So Lizzy had been complaining that her lower front teeth hurt. Being a paranoid former dental assistant, I immediately thought that she had cavities! I checked it out and they looked fine. A couple of days later, I see two adult teeth growing in behind them! How did I not even think of that?! They weren't even loose! I had to take her to the dentist to get them pulled because I was worried that they might grow in crooked like they were already doing. She was so brave. She didn't even flinch! The dentist hooked her up to nitrous, turned on the t.v. on the ceiling and popped them both out in two seconds. Look at all the loot she got just for loosing two teeth! A smoothie (eaten with a spoon of course), presents from the dollar store and a pack of Pez refills for her dispenser. And that is BEFORE the tooth fairy! What a cute girl.