This past weeks' theme was "Science Experiments" and the letter "E". Lizzy loved doing "Scientific Stuff" as she calls it. We did tons of fun experiments. I even wore a lab coat and my glasses (...that I never wear. They make me look like a geek) to make the experiance memorable. The biggest one (this was getting them ready to do a real science experiment in elementry school) was "Which salt grows the largest crystals??? Epsome, Kosher or table salt. Kosher salt won. We even did a crude version of a Science experiment display on a poster-board that I had left over. The kids got a huge kick out of it. They loved coming to school the next day and finding the crystals that grew.
We also learned about: Static electricity (balloons rubbed on their hair and then stuck to the wall), How plants drink water (we placed celery stalks and carnations in colored water and watched them change color), How germs "run away" from anti-bactierial soap (a pie tin, filled with water, sprinkled with pepper and you drop a drop of dish soap in and watch the germs (pepper) run away from the soap.) We finished off the week by making an "Invention". The kids loved this the best. Lizzy's invention was a hat that sheilded her mini pine cone from the sun (she put a mini unbrella on top of it) and it also tickled people because she put feathers in it. Ryans was a spaceship that taught you the alphabet because he put foam letters on it.

I love spending this time with my kids and getting to watch them learn. I will look back on these days and remember what fun we had.
Betheny, you are doing such a great job with their preschool! I really wish that you were here so we could be doing this together with our kids. You are so motivating!
Betheny I love what you have done with your house to make it look like a real school. It is so cute. Teaching preschool is fun isn't it!
What cute and fun ideas!
you are so great beth! I havent heard from you in a while... hope everything is going well! love ya sis!
Good job on the preschool. I am going to have to steal some of your ideas for some fun home activities.
You are so great at this. I'll be packing my boys on a plane a couple times a week to join your preschool.
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