After a very long sabatical (pretty much, the entire holiday season) I've started up my pre-school again. Lizzy was just DYING to get it started again. This time, I've actually partnered with my neighbor who was a 1st grade teacher until she had her first baby. She is so awesome and I'm so excited about it. We will each swich off teaching a week. We do it on Tues, Wed, and Thursday for about 2 hours a day. So, the week that I don't teach, I get a 2 hour break 3 days a week! I taught this first week and the weekly theme was "Shapes and Colors". We also learned the letter "A". - By the way, I purcased a Leap-Frog DVD from Target called "The Letter Factory" (Thanks to suggestions from Memory and Violet) and it has done WONDERS for Lizzy and Ryan. It teaches them phonics in a fun way that they can remember. I was having a hard time teaching them why letters make sounds and they were having a hard time remembering the sounds that the letters make. I let them watch this video one time and they just "got it". It was amazing. Now, everytime I introduce a new letter, they remember the sound that it is supposed to make. Lizzy and Ryan can now read two and three letter words. Seriously...I have never been so happy that I spent $9.99. Here are some pictures from my little pre-school that my hubby built me downstairs. I went a little crazy at the school supply store and have all these amazing posters that the kids can learn from. I think it's my favorite area in the house. :)

They made "creatures" out of various sizes and shapes. Lizzy's was "kicking" the wall - as in the letter "K". (She got that idea from the Leap Frog video)
Your Pre-school room could not be cuter. Look at you go super mom. YOu need to get some more moms going in it so you can each teacj one week a month. Or start charging people. You are doing an awesome job. I also love that video I have both of them and they rock. Also cute cupcakes. you are one talented woman.
Holy cow, pre-school now too. You need to just stop, you make me feel so inadaquate with all the stuff you do, stop stop stop. Just kidding, you are allowed to be awe inspiring I guess, hehe. The pre-school room is adorable. I love how you just make it sound like, oh I just threw it together. Like your beautiful cakes, oh you know, it took an hour. Just kidding, you go chica. really do make the rest of us feel inadequate. Me teaching my kids letters consists of foam letters we play with in the bathtub, or blocks with letters on them. We have never sat down and had a formal lesson on any preschool topic. You are incredible. what a room! I'll have to check out that video. Thanks for the recommendation. You are seriously amazing...everything you do, you do well.
Wow...Um..Bethany you are amazing. The room is really cute! It looks like a great pre-school. And once again you are amazing....
Hey so I did a tag for comments that were a little differnt I know it is not the exact same thing but i post about twenty things with this tag that I nad to do, so I am counting it for both.
Hey Betheny! I can't believe you have three children. It seems as if all is well, I'm so happy for you! Your family is adorable!!
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